This page is a permanent work in progress and I fear there are always going to be gaps.  If anyone can identify any of the gaps then please let me know!  

Spring is the most fantastic time of year to visit the island, if only for the wild flowers which are spread in front of you as vividly coloured carpets. The variety of flowers and herbs that grow here are wide and varying and there is never a time of year when something is not flowering, even when it hasn't rained for 5 months.

Here are some photos of what sort of flora you can expect to find on the island. These are by no means definitive and are mostly what I find close to Mastihari but you can find different things in other parts of the island.



 Narcissi and Iris









Different varieties of wild orchids





 A positive feast of colour



Wild sweet peas (Vicia) and a type of Campanula






Onobrychis and Wild Honeywort (Cerinthe)



Wild crab apple and Rock Rose



Mallow and Genista



Bougainvillea - not wild but very beautiful and a Thistle



Chrysanthemum and a Pyramidal Orchid



Lactuca Graeca



Wild Sage and Thyme


As well as Flora we have Fauna!!



Cuprina crupinastrum and Ornothogulum



Scabious and Oxalis



Wild Salvia and Pallenis Spinosa



Echinops and Acacia



Dwarf Narcissi






French Lavender and can't find it anywhere!



Type of Pistacia maybe and Tragopogon



More Fauna!



Not wild - the blossom of an Olive and Lemon tree



Plain common-or-garden clover but even that is giant!



Agave and Banana Palm






Field Gladioli



Type of Lathyrus



..........heading to Kefalos